Get the NPI number of doctors and physicians

The NPI Number (National Provider Identifier) is the only healthcare provider identifier that can be used in standard transactions by covered businesses for identifying purposes.

The National Provider Identifier is necessary because it complies with HIPAA regulations. Its purpose is to make billing easier. A National Provider Identifier (best NPI provider lookup) is a unique identifier that is recognized by health insurance companies. One does not need to record, retain, or manage multiple provider identification numbers with the NPI number.

You must submit a paper application online or through an organization to obtain an NPI number. Providers can choose from a variety of suitable options When it comes to tracking the progress of NPIs, the online application is recommended because it is quick and cost-effective. When applying for an NPI number, keep in mind that there are no fees.

The steps to applying for one are outlined here.

  1. Visit the NPPES website

Navigate to the NPI webpage on the national plan and provider enumeration system website, and look under how to apply for an NPI for specific providers. Using the identity and access management system, create a log-in.

2. Follow the instructions on the application

You can access online help by clicking on the help tab at the top right of the page. All you have to do now is click on the new NPI application, read the terms, and submit the new NPI application.

3. Provider profile

Fill out the provider profile information, and then answer “NO” to the question, ‘is the provider a sole proprietor?’

NPI Number Lookup

4. Taxonomy/ License information

There are over 175 taxonomy codes to pick from, and you are only needed to choose one. For non-licensed providers, choose provider type code 39 and students in a structured health care training program. Save the file. Click provider type code 20 for a licensed physician. Select 12 for licensed dentists, then enter your license numbers and states of practice. Save your work when you’re done.

5. Provide contact person information

List yourself as the contact person so that you may react to any questions about your application. You can include your home phone number and address in the additional information section.

6. Certification statement

A certification statement will be generated, which you should read before clicking the submit button. Your application is now being reviewed. In addition, within two weeks, you will receive an email regarding your NPI.

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